What is your spiritual world view? How do you think following a particular religion, or not doing so, affects your knowledge?
At this moment in my life I find myself confronting my spiritual/religious beliefs, and trying to determine what I really do believe, without influence from any past experience or bias. This is a rather difficult task as I was raised Catholic, but only until I was seven. Is there really a God? I find myself rather cynical in this area, especially about the Catholic Church. I imagine my knowledge, or lack thereof, is heavily influenced by my negative experiences with the Church and it impacts my interaction with people of faith. So, cynicism, bias, experiences, both positive and negative, impact my knowledge and the connotation I apply to various spiritual beliefs, terms, practices, etc. I would like to be more open-minded in this area, and find a way to carefully evaluate my beliefs so that I understand why I believe or don’t believe, and more importantly, what I believe! I would like to be able to have a coherent, intelligent conversation on this topic without emotion and without rancor. I know there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to matters of faith – but it is difficult to excise emotion from the equation.